doesn't matter

Privacy Policy



Dear Customer,


We care about your privacy and we want to feel comfortable while using our services.

Therefore, below we present you the most important information about rules for processing your personal data that are used by our on-line store:

This presented information has been prepared with RODO (GDPR), General data protection regulation.


Personal data administrator “Controller”,


DM Sp. z o.o. ( DM limited liability company).

A place of business: al. Piłsudskiego 23a, 35-074 Rzeszów

The company is inscribed into the National Court Register – Register of Entrepreneurs by the discrict court for Rzeszów, XII commercial department of the national court register,

Number of KRS is 0000982785, NIP number (taxpayer identification number) is 5170426047.


Who we are:


Our website/ on-line shop address is:


Personal data and privacy


If you intent to set up a User Account and use our services, you’ll be asked to provide us with your personal data.

Your data is processed by us for the purposes indicated below, related to the functioning of the Store and the provision of services offered therein (“Services”).


Purpose of processing your data:


It could be:

·         Provision of services offered in the Store

·         The processing of your orders

·         Direct marketing

Processing basis:

·         Sales contract or another actions taken at your request to conclude it (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR. 

·         Our legal obligation, e.g. related to accounting (Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR. 

·         Your consent expressed in the Store (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR. 

·         Contract for the provision of services or actions taken at your request, aimed at its conclusion (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR. 

·         Our legitimate interst in the processing of data in order to establish, pursue or defend any claims (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. 

·         Our legitimate interest in conducting direct marketing (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. 

·         Our legitimate interest in processing data for analytical and statistical purposes in our company (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. 

·         Our legitimate interest in analyze customer satisfaction (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. 


Providing data:

Voluntary, but in some cases you data may be necessary to make a deal, make an agreement.

Consequence of not providing data:

Depending on the purpose for which the data is provided:

·         No possibility to register in the Store

·         No possibility to use the services of the Store

·         No possibility to make purchases in the Store

·         No possibility to receive information about promotions or special offers in the Store

Possibility to cancel consent/agreement of data processing:

·         Anytime

Data processing until you cancel your consent remains lawful. Withdrawal of agreement takes place by contact with the data administrator and expressing such a request by an e-mail.


Processing data period:

We’ll process your data only for period in which we have a legal basis for it, so until:

·         We will no longer be subject to a legal obligation which obligate us to process your data.

·         The possibility of determining, pursuing or defending any claims related to the contract concluded by the Store by the parties will lapse.

·         You will take back your consent to data processing, if it was its basis.

·         If your objection of the processing of your personal data will be accepted – if the basis of processing your data was the legitimate interest of the administrator or when the data was processed for direct marketing purposes

-          Depending on what’s is applicable in a given case and what will be the latest.

Data safety


When we processing your data, we use organizational and technical measures accordance with applicable law, we use encryption of the connection using an SSL certificate.


Your rights


You have the right to request:

·         Access to your personal data

·         Correction of your personal data

·         Deletion of your personal data

·         Restrictions of processing your data

·         Requests to transfer your data to another administrator.




·         Object at any time of the processing your data:

-          For reasons related to your particular situation – in relation of the processing of personal data concerning you, based on art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR (i.e. on legitimate interests pursued by the administrator

-          If personal data is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing.


Please contact us if you want to exercise your right.


Eternal services/ Data recipients


We use the services of external companies to whom your data may be transferred.

Below is a list of possible recipients of your data:


-          Provided of software needed to run an on-line store

-          Company responsible for delivery of goods

-          Company responsible for payments

-          Accounting office

-          Entity providing the mailing system

-          Entity providing statistical services

-          Relevant public authorities to the extent that the Administrator is obliged to provide them with data.


Contact with the Administrator


If you would like to exercise your rights regarding of your personal data?

Or maybe you just want to ask something concerning to our Privacy Policy?


Write to the e-mail address:



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Al. Piłsudskiego 23a

Rzeszów 35-074
