doesn't matter

Frequently asked questions

It depends on what you'll buy. On our website you have a few options. One of them is: you can buy only the core part steering wheel without buttons (multifunction) and without trim. The antoher option is: you can buy complete a steering wheel with buttons and trim (with a equipment). Read our auction and ask questions if you have a doubts.

We ship specially in EU, UK and USA. If your location is different, please contact us. We’ll make every effort and formalities to deliver you a package with your dream car's steering wheel. Shipping time is from 2 to 15 days. It depends on your location.

We’re based in Rzeszów, Poland. Al. Piłsudskiego 23a 35-074 Contact number is (+48) 531-367-586

We have a lot available colors of smooth nappa and perforated leather, alcantara and many colors of threads. If you are interested in a specific color we’ll send you photo of our samples. Also we can order the materials which are you interested in.

All of our action include the cost of steering wheel so you don’t have to. If you would like to return your core contact with us and we’ll make an better offer.

We’re focus on precision, selection of materials, colors and so tiny details in our work with steering wheels. We’re a car enthusiasts and our idea is to give you the best comfort car's driving! We’re an specialists and make the best detailed steering wheels.

Oh! You get a best car's driving experience thanks to thicker comfy hand profiled grip and flat bottom. Biceps on the steering wheel bring out it more sporty character. You can feel so luxury in your car. Let your car driving more reliable and safety. Furthermore, you increase the value and prestige of our vehicle! A new bespoke steering wheel definitely make a positive difference on the road! I assure you.

No, you don’t. We also offer round steering wheels with a new leather or other materials. We can do only service of retrim. If you have a chance to send us your damaged steering wheel, then do that or if not buy a new one from our shop and then sell your damaged one on your local market. The choice is yours, contact us, we’ll assist you.

We’re based in Rzeszów, Poland and have been operating since 2018.

The first and easiest place to come up with a business idea is through your own experience. One day we realized that we had a lot of skills which could solve several problems in the upholstery industry. Our business has been a business for generations, our grandparents sewed, our parents sewed, and now it's time for us, a new generation. We're proud of our handcrafted skills. Thanks to them we can develop our business, we reshape the best steering wheels. We provide our clients best car’s driving experience; it’s confirmed by hundreds of our satisfied customers and their opinions!

➢ website: ➢ phone/text message: (+48 531 367 586) ➢ email: ➢ Instagram/ Facebook @dafox_design ➢ In our workplace: al. Piłsudskiego 23a, 35-074 Rzeszów, visit us and see our masterpieces.

It depends on your location. Please contact with us.

It depends from our number of orders. Minimum needed time to reshape your steering wheel is 3-5 weeks. Carbon steering wheels 4-10 weeks. And shipping time is depend of your location (2-15 days). Sometimes we don’t have core which are you interested in so time can be longer. We’ll keep you informed.

We're a steering wheel's proffesionals and we have a specialist workshop where our craftsmen create your bespoke steering wheel, according to your wishes. We reshape and then refinish/retrim steering wheels. We use ONLY high-quality materials such as: nappa/ perforated leather and alcantara. You can choose your own materials, colours of materials and threads and the kinds of stitching.


if you need more information, you can alwasy contact with us!


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Al. Piłsudskiego 23a

Rzeszów 35-074
